1. Usage Restrictions

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  • The content of this website is protected by copyright law, and you agree to use it only for personal or non-commercial purposes. You may not copy, distribute, publish, or otherwise use the content of this website without authorization.
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2. Disclaimer

  • The information and reviews on this website come from user contributions and online sources, and it is for reference purpose only. This website does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, or completeness of the reviews and does not assume any legal responsibility for the results of the reviews.
  • This website may contain links to third-party websites. When you click on these links, you will leave this website. This website is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these third-party websites.

3. Changes to Terms of Service

This website reserves the right to update or modify these terms of service at any time. When we make significant changes to the terms of service, we will publish the relevant information on this website. Your continued use of this website indicates acceptance of the modified terms of service.

4. Intellectual Property

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  • The content on this website is protected by copyright law. You agree to use it only for personal or non-commercial purposes and not to copy, distribute, publish, or otherwise use the content without authorization.

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6. Privacy Policy

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8. Other Terms

These terms of service constitute the entire agreement between you and this website regarding your use of this website and supersede any prior agreements between you and this website regarding the use of this website. If any part of these Terms of Service is invalid, it will not affect the validity of the remaining parts.

If you have any questions about these terms of service, please contact us.